Breaking the Golden Rule

Have you ever heard of the Golden Rule? “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” was spoken by Jesus and is probably one of the more enduring verses of the Bible. A simple translation is to treat others like you would like to be treated. Who could argue with that? Apparently… Continue reading Breaking the Golden Rule

The Quest to Trust Life 

“Learn to trust life, it will teach you, in joy and sorrow, all you need to know.”  Henry James, author, “The Ambassadors”  So what did Henry James, and countless others, mean when they say, “learn to trust life?” Isn’t this naive, incredulous, ignorant, and represent unsophisticated  thinking about the realities of life? Maybe so. Or maybe… Continue reading The Quest to Trust Life 

Relaxing into your life

Life is full of surprises. Out of nowhere comes this major threat in the form of a virus, called the Coronavirus. In addition to a threat to our health, it is about to have a major impact on our economic life as well. As human beings, we like to employ our imagination coupled with a… Continue reading Relaxing into your life

Getting There From Here

One of my favorite memories of all time is a picture of my maternal grandparents taken when they were well into their 80’s. They are sitting on a couch and what stands out for me is they are holding hands as they pose for the camera. They were obviously in love with each other and… Continue reading Getting There From Here

Discarding the Crystal Ball

It is not usual for people who have had a series of painful relationships to begin predicting, and concluding, the inevitability of current relationship failure based on past outcomes. It’s easy to fall into a self protective mode and begin looking for reasons why the current relationship will fail. Assumptions are made that they have… Continue reading Discarding the Crystal Ball

Allowing Joy to Find You

I’ve been thinking about joy. This might be a subject that seems far off when you are in crisis and submerged in what might be thought of as dire straits. We find ourselves in all kinds of predicaments in life where everything seems to close in on you, and you feel like you are in… Continue reading Allowing Joy to Find You