Relaxing into your life

Life is full of surprises. Out of nowhere comes this major threat in the form of a virus, called the Coronavirus. In addition to a threat to our health, it is about to have a major impact on our economic life as well. As human beings, we like to employ our imagination coupled with a good dose of anxiety to produce images of dire consequences. At this moment, we do not know whether we are overestimating or underestimating its effect.


We already know as of this writing it is going to be pretty bad, in a variety of ways, including people dying from its effects.


What choices are we able to make at this moment, and going forward as the virus comes closer to our homes?


I would like to suggest that how we live is always an important consideration and we should strive to live our best self. A crisis actually gives us an opportunity to live our best self like nothing else does. Why should we be concerned about living our best self when survival and buying toilet paper rule the day? I would like to suggest an answer to that question. Simply put, it’s because we matter and we matter to others whether we fully know it or not.


So if we determine that we will aspire to live our best self, a self that matters, how should we live?


To start, an important mental and emotional well being consideration is to remember that we do better when we focus on what we can control rather than what we cannot control. Focusing on what we can do is empowering and energizing, while focusing on what we cannot control creates a hotbed for panic and self deflation. We do better when we are at some level of peace that comes when we focus on doing what we can do.


Take the long view. This too shall pass. There’s lots to get through in the weeks and months ahead, but we will do it one moment and one day at a time. We will navigate whatever travails come our way. Remembering this, helps us to keep going forward and not getting stuck in what can be emotionally overwhelming.


Focusing on how we treat others is particularly empowering. When we remember to be thoughtful of others by showing generosity, kindness, patience, and empathy, we know we are in the flow of love, love that ultimately triumphs. And in a beautiful way, we are all part of it.